Friday, September 19, 2008

A Sign You Won't See In Florida

Here in Iowa the air has been beginning to become a little...brisk. Communities in this area are all planning Fall Festivals and my employer provided windbreakers to those of us who came here in July and were unprepared for lows in high 30's and highs in the 60's in the middle of September.

Still, driving down a road near a small town the other day, I was surprised to see a snowmobile crossing sign had been erected and opened. That, and a local city councilman discussing the possibility of snow at Thanksgiving is making me shiver already. On top of that I was told the other day that, after my 10 day break in October to go home and camp in North Carolina, I may be brought back here for "the duration."

If so, I'm buying long underwear and thermal socks.


Anonymous said...

Yup, this be the time of year for a true fall. LOL I hope you get a chance to go out and grab some great "colors changing" photos at least.

Boo on the duration part, though! :(

I also heavily recommend ear muffs, even if you wear a hat. And an industrial strength ice scraper for the car.

The Word Of Jeff said...


Well, I've noticed the corn and soybean crops have been changing color, lol.

Speaking of industrial strength, that's the kind of earmuffs I'll need for these "Dumbo" ears.

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