Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Italian Job

As regular readers know, I enjoy photography. One of the few benefits of traveling for my job has been the chance to take photos of the various places I've been to around the country. I then take the shots that I feel are the best and post them on my Flickr page.

Although I have toyed with the idea of submitting some to stock photo dealers to see if I could sell any of them, I have so far been content to receive occasional requests from regional organizations or city guides asking for permission to use certain shots with attribution. My basic feeling has always been that if I'm putting them up on Flickr for the world to see, that they are also there for the world to use. Over the course of the past 18 months I've probably received 5 requests and I have no doubt that many have been used without requesting permission. Again, that doesn't bother me, they are there for people to see and use, even without attribution.

But I have to admit, a recent request was a pretty big kick.

Last September I was in Rochester, Minnesota, home of the world-famous Mayo Clinic. I took several photos of the clinic, the park outside the clinic and statues in the park of the Mayo brothers, their father and the Franciscan Mother who partnered with them to create the clinic.

On March 19th, I received the following e-mail from Italy:

I'm an italian "philosopher" and I'm interested in the history of medicine and others health-related subjects.

I'd like to insert some of your interesting Flickr pictures about Mayo Clinic (particularly, those about monuments to Mayo brothers and father) into a non-commercial site I've created on this subject.

Expecting your answer, I send you many thanks in advance,

Luca Borghi

I replied the same date:

Hi Luca,

Thank you for asking. You are more than welcome to use any of the photos and I hope they are useful.

Jeff Wetherington

Sunday I received this e-mail:

Many thanks again, Jeff.

If you want to give a glance to the preliminary result, please go to

Best wishes from Italy and have a nice Sunday,


Receiving a request all the way from Italy (I SO want to visit there someday and tour the art museums and visit the great works of architecture) was a real charge and especially from someone as nice as Luca which made it twice as enjoyable.

If you have the time, go take a look. Contact and cooperation like this with people from all over the world are part of what make the Internet so fantastic.


Unknown said...


I'm a korean living in seoul.(name: Oh Minseok)
Korean special investigative team are investigating samsung
But they do not work right.
I am suspicious to be bought off.
samsung corporation has many crimes.
And the team investigates samsung corporation.
It contains korean companies samsung,huyndai,sk CEOs' illegal issuing
stocks or bonds.
The quantity are plenty.
(Three company CEOs did(and are doing) many crimes to me.
Many koreans are knowing it.
But many koreans are bought off by illegal issuing stocks or bonds.)
The team are knowing it.
Korean special investigative team must investigate this.
But they are trying to conceal it.
I ask for asking for this criminal investigation to prosecutors in any
And help the shareholders and me.

Three companies are hacking me and trying to kill me.
And are suspicious to use my name and email illegally.
If you receive another message that I dictated above are not true,
it is not from me, but from three companies.
The things I dictated above are true.

Anonymous said...

Cool! and Congrats! Maybe some day you'll be famous!!!

Anonymous said...

I have always been impressed with your pictures. You really have the eye for seeing more than what's right in front of us. I look forward to seeing some of your mountain pictures.


Anonymous said...

Awesome!! Thats very cool about the pictures.

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